Mistakes Happen
April 14, 2023
Mistakes do happen!
Is it truly necessary to be a superhero in the world of business? Can you make big mistakes and still be a good employer, boss, leader? Reading articles on social media platforms that champion the ideals of being transparent, responsive, caring and supportive can make you develop a sense of failure if you ever miss the mark when evaluating yourself against these ideals.
Making mistakes is enviable when you are a leader. You will have days when you experience failure, anger, frustration and your emotions can and will overflow in negative ways. But, does this permanently damage your ability to lead? I say no!
Do we strive to be an approachable and supportive boss? Yes! Should we stay on top of changing work expectations and attitudes? Yes! Is learning to communicate effectively with a younger workforce important? Yes! Do you want to create the best work environment for both employees and employers? Yes!
All this being said however, be assured you will miss the mark and create issues in the employer/employee relationship. We are all human, and bound to make mistakes. Believe me, I have made many in my 35 + years of managing people. The important part of the experience is to learn from it, move on, and grow as a leader. Restoring broken relationships is extremely important, festering emotions are never good when unchecked or resolved.
A leader needs to put into practice all the skills developed through training and experience to allow their staff to succeed in their specific role within the organization. If they do not, well then, we have a totally different discussion. And it is best to be explored another time.
Whether you are selling promotional merch like we do, or any other small, medium, or large business, managing your team is truly one of the keys to success! But my advice, give yourself the freedom to make mistakes! We all make them!